Screening curated by filmmakers Adam Khalil and Jackson Polys, a performance by KITE, and a roundtable conversation with Adam Khalil, Jackson Polys, KITE, K. Wayne Yang (UCSD), and Oscar Gutiérrez (second year Ph.D. student in Ethnic Studies). Exploring ways to subvert traditional forms of ethnography through humor, relation, and transgression through video and performance. It examined the desire for indigeneity in the myths, dreams, and political foundations of the so-called Americas. Human Resources LA, a nonprofit arts space in Los Angeles.

INAATE/SE, October 29, 2018, 5:30pm

Film Screening, Guest lecture and graduate and undergraduate student mixers with filmmaker Adam Khalil. Anti-Ethnography - including The Violence of a Civilization Without Secrets (2018) and other short films. Presented in collaboration with the Department of Visual Arts, UC San Diego